Sunday, October 18, 2015

Why Consider Vintage Diamond Engagement Ring

If you are searching for something that is more unique for your fiancée, you should consider going for the vintage diamond engagement rings. This is because the ring will not only add to the charm and uniqueness, but it also has better craftsmanship.

Understanding the vintage style wedding rings

Here are some features that you should understand from the vintage style diamond engagement rings. These include:

Unusual center stone

There is no doubt that diamonds are the most popular types of stones when it comes to vintage style wedding rings. The stone is also very hard. When choosing the antique style bands, you should be careful of the softer stones like pearl, emerald and opal. These do not only have internal cracks but can easily crack.


The craftsmanship of a ring is an important factor to consider. If you asked a modern jeweler to do an Edwardian ring, you will end up spending more than what you would pay for the authentic rings of that area. You should be careful to avoid buying the replica rings that try to mimic the style but whose character and quality is lower as compared to the older rings.


If you would like to buy a larger round vintage diamond engagement ring and wedding bands but on a lower budget, you should consider buying the antique rings from the 1930s and 40s. These rings have diamond whose setting was elaborately carved and this is why they appeared larger.

One thing that you should bear in mind is that the quality standards that are in today’s rings doesn’t apply to the older diamond styles. Today, people consider bright white to be the best type of diamond. However, this was not always the case and there were times when people preferred the slightly rose, yellow or green diamonds. The cutting methods were also different. The methods that were used to check for internal flaws were also not well advanced.

Where to buy vintage diamond engagement rings

If you are searching for vintage styles wedding rings, you should contact Sylvie collections. The store has a wide collection of engagement and wedding bands. If you don’t see a store near you, you can contact them and they will direct you to the nearest store.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Why You Should Buy Round Halo Engagement Rings?

Are you intending to pop that million dollar question to you fiancé? If your answer is yes, you next step should be to choose a good wedding ring that will make the whole engagement experience unforgettable. And what better option can you have than the round halo engagement rings. These engagement rings are some of the most popular options today because  not only are they beautiful but can also enhance the center of your diamond but in different ways.

In simple terms, a halo ring is any ring that is made of smaller diamonds that encircle the stone at the center. The reason why they are called halo is because the stone at the center appears as if it contain a halo. While most of the round halo diamond proposal rings settings are set on diamonds, it is possible to set the rings with different kinds of gems like ruby, sapphire, diamond and jade.

It is also possible to use this halo style in different gem cuts such as round cut, cushion cut, old mine cut, pear cut and many more. Due to the effect of the halo ring, the center stone appears more brilliant and your admirers are drawn to center stone. The effect encircles and outline the center stone in a stunning way, making the ring appear far much greater.

If you still doubt whether the round halo diamond engagement rings are a good option for your fiancée, you should bear in mind that these types of rings are quite popular among royalty and celebrities. For instance, one of the most popular rings is the stunning sapphire halo ring that once belonged to Princess Diana but is now owned by Kate Middleton. There are also many other celebrities that prefer this style of a ring. These include Natalie Portman, Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson. Therefore, the round halo engagement ring style is one of the most popular rings that is worth considering. Sylvie collection has a wide range of diamond engagement rings including the halo styles.

Halo Engagement Ring